I got baptised a very long time ago. But from what I can remember I dont think the pool was chlorinated. Does anyone know if they chlorinate the pools?
Having said that the baptisimal pool would be considered a public pool and should be chlorinated according to public health recommendations.
I would understand not allowing someone with HIV/AIDS not being baptised in the communal pool if the pool is not chlorinated as a public health safety thing. BUT....someone with HIV/AIDS is entitled to confidentiality and mostly these patients will not divulge their infectious status. So how would the elders know to then organise for them to be baptised separately. So that means they should just do the right thing and chlorinate the pool and be done with it. There are other infections to be worried about that are spread in pools apart from HIV/AIDs..and they have a legal duty to prevent the spread of those infections just as much as HIV/AIDs anyhow. HIV/AIDs is not something I would be concerned about in a chlorinated pool with a person that is not bleeding/oozing or whatever.
see CDC website below: there are also other pages of info on this if you just click around the site.
As far as not inviting them to your home, this is outright discrimination and can be fought in the law courts. In hospitals we would place a HIV/AIDs patient in a 4 bedded room as long as they were continent, not bleeding, and no weeping wounds. So this means they would share the same toilet and shower facilities as the other patients. And Guess What?...if you were the patient in the 4 bedded room you would not know the other patient has HIV unless they told you (which would probably never happen).